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Writer's pictureTracy Sherlock

Pandemic Diary: Photos from the quarantine, part two

British Columbians have emerged from their homes this week, as the province starts to relax restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic. It's very different out there this week — not quite back to normal, but definitely halfway there. The top photo above, shows the Richmond Hudson Bay parking lot from Westminster Highway on April 8. The bottom photo is from today.

This is another view of the Richmond Centre Mall parking lot, along No. 3 Road, looking north. The top photo was taken March 31 and shows very few cars. The bottom photo is from today, May 22, and shows the parking lot about three-quarters full.

This third grouping of photos is looking south near the White Spot and Cactus club. There are now designated "curbside pickup" parking spots where shoppers can call the store and stay up to 15 minutes while the store delivers your shopping. These will be much needed once Richmond Centre returns to full capacity!

The top photo shows Richmond's busiest intersection — No. 3 Road and Westminster Highway — on March 30 at about 11 a.m. on a weekday. The bottom photo shows that same intersection today. Again, it's about halfway back to normal. Not as busy as usual, but much busier than in March.

Here's the same intersection, looking north. It's still fairly empty, but there are people out and about. In March, it was a ghost town. Today, it's about as busy as a small town, rather than the city it is.

The increasing number of people who are out and about is evident in this photo of a bus stop along No. 3 Road. It isn't crowded enough to need the instruction of the self-distancing stickers on the ground, but it's definitely more crowded than it was in March.

In March, when I saw this deserted school garden, I wondered who would tend to it this year. Now, in May, it's evident someone has been taking good care. I rode my bike past two schools and evidence of children and teachers was everywhere.

The playgrounds have been closed long enough that the "crime scene" tape keeping children out has faded to white from its original yellow. I hope when schools reopen more broadly on June 1, the playgrounds will all be open.

Stay healthy, everyone.

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